December 17, 2009

Second Issue Preview and Call for Papers

The second issue of The Dying Art will be published in the first week of January. I have received a wealth of submissions thus far and I am expecting more. The majority of submissions have been poetry, and many of them have been very good. I still haven't received any works of science fiction. As with the last issue, the call for submissions will be open until about three days prior to publication.

One note about poetry submissions- please note if the formatting of your poem is reliant on indentation or other non-standard formatting methods. These are much more difficult to put into HTML text, so let me know if that might be a problem with your work.

Here is the official jargon submissions should follow:

If you submit work, you agree that:
-This journal may publish it online and in print.
-The work is your own.

Any work you submit is still considered your property. Feel free to publish it elsewhere or submit it anywhere else.

Fiction Submissions:
Between 500-15000 words. Please edit your work carefully before submission.

Currently, I would urge you to send in fictional works in the genres of:
-Science Fiction

Selections will be made on the basis of literary value, entertainment value, and inventiveness.

Poetry Submissions:
Between 10-5000 words. Please be sure to note if the poem is formatted in a way that may not transfer correctly in simple text.

Send your submission in .doc or .rtf format. I would prefer an attached file to a submission within the text of your email, but I will not disqualify works based on that. Submit everything to:

Submit no more than three works in a month.

Thank you for reading,
Alex Friedman
Contributing Editor

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