One note about poetry submissions- please note if the formatting of your poem is reliant on indentation or other non-standard formatting methods. These are much more difficult to put into HTML text, so let me know if that might be a problem with your work.
Here is the official jargon submissions should follow:
If you submit work, you agree that:
-This journal may publish it online and in print.
-The work is your own.
Any work you submit is still considered your property. Feel free to publish it elsewhere or submit it anywhere else.
Fiction Submissions:
Between 500-15000 words. Please edit your work carefully before submission.
Currently, I would urge you to send in fictional works in the genres of:
-Science Fiction
Selections will be made on the basis of literary value, entertainment value, and inventiveness.
Poetry Submissions:
Between 10-5000 words. Please be sure to note if the poem is formatted in a way that may not transfer correctly in simple text.
Send your submission in .doc or .rtf format. I would prefer an attached file to a submission within the text of your email, but I will not disqualify works based on that. Submit everything to:
Submit no more than three works in a month.
Thank you for reading,
Alex Friedman
Contributing Editor
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