The next issue will be a particularly good one. This issue will feature some of The Dying Art's favorite writers in fiction and poetry, as well as some new writers and some cross-overs. There is still some time for submissions, and some submissions that are accepted will end up in the fifth issue. Thanks to all the contributers so far, and special thanks to those readers who voice their preferences on a regular basis.
Here's the official call for papers:
The tentative submission deadline is April 7th, 2010.
If you submit work, you agree that:
-This journal may publish it online and in print.
-The work is your own.
Any and all work you submit is considered your property. Feel free to publish it elsewhere or submit it anywhere else that will accept it- but also understand that this site will take First Publishing Rights and that further publication of what ends up here is considered a reprint. You retain all other rights and privileges to the piece. It is unlawful for anyone to plagiarize work posted in this magazine.
Furthermore, you will not be paid for work you submit to this issue of our magazine. This magazine is published for literature's sake, and not in order to generate income. Any income that is generated by this website will be used only to promote or enhance the journal itself.
Furthermore, you will not be paid for work you submit to this issue of our magazine. This magazine is published for literature's sake, and not in order to generate income. Any income that is generated by this website will be used only to promote or enhance the journal itself.
Fiction Submissions:
Between 300-10000 words. Please edit your work carefully before submission. If you would like to send in a draft for review and commentary, feel free. Make sure to indicate that intent in your submission email.
Currently, I would urge you to send in fictional works in the genres of:
-Science Fiction
Selections will be made on the basis of literary value, entertainment value, and inventiveness. You will be informed if your work is selected for publication.
Poetry Submissions:
Between 10-5000 words. Please be sure to note if the poem is formatted in a way that may not transfer correctly in simple text.
Send your submission in .doc or .rtf format. I would prefer an attached file to a submission within the text of your email, but I will not disqualify works based on that. Submit everything to:
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